
By the Rev. Derek Scalia

“The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us.” Luke 10:17.

Just the other day I was walking beside my daughter as she attempted to master the skill of finally riding her bike without training wheels.  We live on a hill and frankly, it is one of the worst places to learn how to ride a bike.  It is not easy for us, with our schedules and many commitments, to find the proper time to learn and practice.  When we finally took the bike out to practice again, the belief that she could ride seemed impossible to her. 

I wonder if this is how the seventy felt when Christ prepared them before he sent them out.  Christ’s instructions were clear, and prepared the seventy for the possibility of failure. However, Christ knew that as they followed their faith and his command, failure would never happen. Nothing stands in the way when we follow Christ. 

Even with their doubt, the seventy still went out, together, to do as Christ had instructed. When we venture into the unknown, there is always moments that make us doubt.  However, through following Christ we are able to transform.  

Upon their return, the seventy rejoiced in their actions, but Christ reminded them that their cause for rejoicing should be in the transformation of themselves into the Kingdom of God. This is the story of the Gospel- that as we serve we transform and are transformed ourselves.  

After many falls, scrapes, and a few tears my daughter successfully rode her bike through a large section of the bike path near our house.  Our Gospel reminds us to see the transformation of ourselves and others as sacred. There many yards before me, I watched as she overcame something she deemed as impossible.  It was a sacred space that God laid before us as she glowed with great joy. 

May we all see ourselves in the seventy called by Christ, and may we be filled with the joy and transformation of living our faith openly in a world yearning for the presence of God’s love and redemption. 

Go forth to love and serve the Lord throughout the world. 

Our readings for this Sunday are HERE. Note that in ordinary time, we are using the readings in “Track 2”