
"Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her." -Luke 10:41-42

What an amazing passage to pray with as I get ready to go on vacation this weekend. Just how many things in our day to day life worry and distract us from the kind of quiet stillness Mary finds at Jesus’ feet? Is the to-do list done? Is the packing list complete? Did I remember to call that person? Did I make those reservations? On and on and on. It’s not like there aren’t things you need to do in this life. God knows we have plenty of things to do. But if we don’t put time with Jesus on that daily list, we have not chosen the better part.

There is a story told of Dag Hammarskjöld, the former leader at the UN. He was very active with traveling and meetings and writing and more traveling. But he was also known to pray for an hour every morning. A reporter asked him once, “Mr. Hammarskjöld, with everything you have to do as a world leader, how on earth do you find time to pray for an hour every single morning?” Mr. Hammarskjöld answered, “Well, of course you are right. There are some days when I’ve got a particularly demanding schedule of meetings and deadlines and travel. Those are the days I pray for two hours.”

I have learned, along with Mr. Hammarskjöld, that time spent in quiet prayer and meditation does not diminish my available time, but actually expands my day. It also expands my heart and my mind and makes me more ready to live my day abundantly and gratefully. As I head off for three weeks of vacation this Friday, I hope that this time of rest will expand my faith and renew my soul. I hope you, too, will take intentional daily, weekly and periodic Sabbath time to expand your lives, also.

While I am away, Susan Kershaw will be covering for me both for pastoral emergencies and in celebrating at worship for the next four Sundays. Thank you Susan, as always, for being willing to support my times away. Thank you to Don Hart, who will be writing the blog for the next three weeks. And thanks to all of you for your prayers and support.

The readings for this Sunday are here.