Worship This Week

Worship This Sunday
9:30 AM, In the Church Building

About Communion

We welcome you to God’s table. All of our bread is gluten free. We also have a cup of wine, and you can take a sip when it is offered to you. (no ‘intinction’ or dipping of the bread at this time.) If you do not want a sip of wine, that is perfectly ok. Instead of sipping, you can just reverently reach out and touch the base of the chalice when it is offered instead.

And if you’d rather not have bread or wine, you are invited to come forward anyway and just cross your arms over your chest. You will receive a blessing instead of the elements.

Worship During the Week

The Pocket of Peace contemplative prayer service takes place on Zoom at noon each Wednesday.  Links needed to join in are back on the home page.